Books to help a Writer with the Craft

Bird by Bird – by Anne Lamott This book is a great starting point for new writers.  The book comes across as both comedic and educational. There are many great tips such as the chapter dedicated to “Index Cards,” which translates to we Millenials as...

Enter a Writing Competition!

One way for aspiring authors to get their name out there is to enter writing competitions. The prizes vary, depending on the specific competition. Many offer cash, publication, endorsement, and personal feedback from judges to their winners. Winning adds oomph to a...

The Godfather – By Mario Puzo

I wouldn’t categorize myself as someone with a particular interest in Mafia history so I’m not sure why I decided to crack this oldie open, but I’ll say this, once I did, I didn’t spend a moment regretting. I don’t know how historically accurate it is, but it’s...

Neverwhere – By Neil Gaiman

  Set in the City of London, a boring businessman finds himself choosing between his fiancé and a dying girl who desperately needs his help. His choice transports him to a separate London, London Below, and erases his existence from London above. London Below is...